Paquito Navarro is convinced that padel, and in particular the circuit Premier Padel, can still evolve to offer a better show and a more balanced competition. On his social networks he delivered three proposals that according to him are beneficial to the circuit and the players.

1. The return of the golden point

Paquito wants to put the gold point, a rule which allowed, 40/40, to decide an entire game on a single decisive point. Removed with the arrival of Premier Padel, who reintroduced the format with advantage, this rule added more tension and suspense, making every play crucial. According to him, this would energize the matches and make them more intense, both for the players and the spectators.

2. Varied surfaces

Padel is always played on the same surface, which limits variations in play. Paquito proposes introducing courts with different characteristics, such as grass, to diversify playing styles and encourage a more tactical approach, obviously with different balls depending on the surface. As in tennis, each surface could favor certain players and add a new strategic challenge to the circuit Premier Padel.

3. Favor indoor tournaments

Many tournaments are played outdoors, but this leads to unforeseen events such as rain, vent (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and the humidity and climatic conditions that are sometimes very difficult for players to bear. Paquito believes that prioritizing competitions in indoor would guarantee optimal playing conditions and a better experience for players and spectators.

Will these ideas be implemented in the future? Will Premier Padel will look into the matter?

Benjamin Dupouy

I discovered padel directly during a tournament, and frankly, I didn't really like it at first. But the second time, it was love at first sight, and since then, I haven't missed a single match. I'm even ready to stay up until 3am to watch a final of Premier Padel !