Le paddle rests on a fundamental pillar that is often overlooked: the communicating. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, it is crucial to communicate well with your partner, not only between points, but also during the exchanges. This detail, often overlooked, can make all the difference in your performance and progress.

Dialogue between the dots: creating a connection

High-fiving or exchanging a few words after each point is not just politeness or camaraderie. This innocuous gesture is a way of strengthen team cohesion and to maintain a positive atmosphere on the field. Between two exchanges, it is also an opportunity to adjust the tactic : direction of service, type of return to play or overall strategy for the next point.

This exchange should remain simple, but effective. It is not about overloading your partner with information, but about giving him the elements necessary to approach the point clearly.

Communicating during the meeting: a habit to develop

Speak during the exchange is a very important practice. This active communication serves not to ask for something, but to inform your partner in real time.

For this to work, it is important to develop habits and a common vocabulary with your partner. Here are some concrete examples:

Announce the position of the opponents

  • "Bottom" : opponents remain in defense at the back of the track.
  • "Half" : one or both players are stopped at half track.
  • "Net" : the opponents came to the net.
  • "Open" : the players at the net are spaced far enough apart for a ball to pass between them.

Give simple orders

  • "Lob" : ask for a lob to regain position.
  • "Accelerated" : encourage playing a fast ball to surprise.
  • "Patient" : encourage not to rush the game.
  • "Smash" : indicate a ball to attack.

Adapt your communication to your partner

Every player is different. Some prefer to receive informations to make their own decisions, while others, less sure of themselves, will appreciate clear orders. It's up to you to understand your partner and adjust your communication accordingly. The goal is to growing together on the ground, without generating unnecessary stress.

Communication, an art to master

Although it is an indispensable asset, communication can become counterproductive if it is misused. Too many instructions or poorly formulated remarks can destabilize your partner. The challenge is therefore to adopt communication balanced, which inspires confidence without being invasive.

So, don't hesitate to work on this aspect during your training. Agree on a common vocabulary, experiment with different ways of speaking during exchanges, and above all, listen to your partner. A good communicating might just become your best weapon on the field.

Benjamin Dupouy

I discovered padel directly during a tournament, and frankly, I didn't really like it at first. But the second time, it was love at first sight, and since then, I haven't missed a single match. I'm even ready to stay up until 3am to watch a final of Premier Padel !
