We are all very sad to learn of the death of former professional footballer Franck Berrier at the age of 37. In 2019, he quit football due to heart problems.
During a game of padel at the TC Kortemark tennis club, the former footballer suffered cardiac arrest. He was resuscitated and taken to hospital, but had a second which was fatal.
La Belgium is a land of padel where this sport has been developing in an incredible way for several years. Growth that brings all audiences to the field.
This reminds us that the phenomenon of “sudden death” does not look down the ages. Even though his heart was weakened, there was no indication of such a fate.
According to cardiologist Jean-Marc Andreatta: "Tennis and padel are not highly recommended sports when you have heart problems. I obviously have no knowledge of the medical file and therefore cannot comment more precisely. But it is clear that these sports quickly push you to your anaerobic threshold, with very intense efforts that are not recommended. "
The whole team of Padel Magazine wish courage to Franck Berrier's family.
source: Sporza.be / Nieuwsblad.be / more.lesoir.be
Alexis Dutour is passionate about padel. With his training in communication and marketing, he puts his skills at the service of padel to offer us articles that are always very interesting.