As a player of padel, we try to take care of our game. Be consistent, make few mistakes, prepare for the point, often even prepare for our partner, not to take crazy risks ...

There is also another parameter that we often leave aside, perhaps because we forget it, but thatare old veterans"They do not forget: cunning.

Be careful young people because although you are stronger on paper, 2 old foxes can make you "fart" the lead ... it's called the experience, and this video is an example. After a ball touching the band of the net, the player on the fly deceives his opponents by pretending that he will play in one direction and then play in the other ... control.

Julien Bondia

Julien Bondia is a teacher of padel in Tenerife (Spain). Columnist and advisor, he helps you play better through his tutorials and tactical/technical articles padel.