TC Luy de Béarn: the P200 kilos is a great success!
After the P100 kilos, a tournament where only players weighing more than 100 kg could participate, TC Luy de Béarn launched another formula: the P200 kilos. This time it’s…
Read more "After the P100 kilos, a tournament where only players weighing more than 100 kg could participate, TC Luy de Béarn launched another formula: the P200 kilos. This time it’s…
Read more "All padel competitors know about P100 tournaments. There are variations that include age, such as P100 45+, etc. But Fred and Jérôme, the 2 hosts of the Tennis Club du Luy du Bearn…
Read more "While we too often oppose associative padel and private infrastructures, we realize that it is entirely possible to collaborate. The proof with the TC Luy de Béarn and the Rugby Park 64…
Read more "The municipality of Serres-Castet in the North of Béarn is continuing to modernize its infrastructure. This time, it is the turn of the Tennis Club of Luy de Béarn (TCLB) to have the objective of building 2 padel courts….
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