The tournament Dubai P1 stands out from European events due to its outdoor organisation, which adds a significant climatic challenge for players, but also particularities in terms of atmosphere and infrastructure. Between high temperatures, a moderate presence of spectators during the week and a stricter security system, this event offers a unique experience for padel fans, with strong points and marked differences compared to European tournaments.

Compared to the European P1, the tournament of Dubai takes place outdoors, like the Doha World Championships. Therefore, the games that started at 14 p.m. were played in trying conditions for the organisms, with temperatures still at 31 degrees in the evening and high humidity.

This could explain the low number of spectators before 19pm, despite the high density of padel clubs in Dubai. Another notable difference with Europe: the spectators here are quite undisciplined, moving around frequently, which leads to regular reminders to order from the referees. The system of security is twice as long to access seats, with staff much less welcoming than in Paris or Spain.

Attendance is also lower than in Europe during the week, with a notable presence of foreigners with pass over several days.

The stadium is surrounded by a food court 500 permanent seats, offering a high quality of catering, whatever the type of cuisine offered. This is a big contrast with the P1 of Roland-Garros, where the offer was mainly takeaway, with long queues due to the success of the tournaments.

There is also a exhibitor village including beautiful stands of Nox, Joma, Adidas, as well as various shops to buy dietetic or padel products, with stock available – a point that is lacking, in my opinion, in Roland-Garros Major, except for the offer Wilson.

Fabien Conjat

Padel fan and itinerant traveler, I offer you my point of view on padel sites around the world. Have a good trip!