This week the FIP circuit only offers one tournament: the FIP Bronze QatarIn this tournament, only three French people made the trip to represent the French team.

Maxime Moreau et Kamel Mouimen, will join forces to try to shine in the main draw. The tournament favorites are seed 1 Marco Casseta (107) and Jose Luis Gonzalez (109), after them we find many hybrid pairs with not very homogeneous pairs like seed 2 Christian Gutierrez (82) accompanied by the Russian Alexander Khalanskii (478), seed 3 Miguel Gonzalez (57) with the Russian Saveliy Tulupov (1820) or the French pair Maxime Moreau (135) et Kamel Mouimen (1009)

In qualifying, the Frenchman Johan Madarasz will also be there. Associated with the Romanian Alexandru Rosca, he will seek to secure his ticket to the main draw.

Note that there is no French presence in the women's tournament.

Benjamin Dupouy

I discovered padel directly during a tournament, and frankly, I didn't really like it at first. But the second time, it was love at first sight, and since then, I haven't missed a single match. I'm even ready to stay up until 3am to watch a final of Premier Padel !