You have taken Padel Magazine for crazy people? Well, not so much.

On the professional circuit and even among amateurs, no one agrees on the famous system of advantages or not during matches. Should we play with the No Ad system nicknamed the golden point / punto de oro (without advantage, that is to say decisive point at 40A) or with the advantage system?

And we see clearly that Premier Padel is for the moment on the advantage system… But the World Padel Tour had decided to apply No Ad against the advice of players and fans initially, before it was finally accepted by the community.

We see it, our opinions evolve on one side or the other, but the problem remains the same: do we play with No Ad or the advantage?

One method could make everyone agree: why not very simply merge these two methods?

Indeed, we would offer an advantage once (or twice maximum), and in the event of a new tie, the game would end with a No Ad to avoid prolonged games.

In this way, we would keep the beneficial sides of both systems while limiting the sometimes too many repetitive advantages.

On the Tenerife side, in certain clubs, this way of doing things is becoming the norm. The players appreciate it enormously, and we even see competitors saying that it should be imposed very quickly at the highest level.

At the origin of this idea: a Frenchwoman, Francy Binisti, player of padel, who found herself at her level also confronted with this regulation in her games. With this hybrid methodology, this had the merit of bringing everyone into agreement and became the rule applied for all of its games at the start and now for the entire group of levels. Today, this rule is so successful that we see it gaining more and more momentum on the Tenerife side.

And you ? A fusion of No Ad and advantage, for or against?

Franck Binisti

Franck Binisti discovers the padel at the Club des Pyramides in 2009 in the Paris region. Since padel is part of his life. You often see him touring France going to cover the major events of padel French.