While the main parties concerned have still not confirmed, fans and the media have already validated the Juan Lebron / Martin Di Nenno association.
This association seems like a risk for Martin Di Nenno, who formed with Stupa the third pair in the world. Let us remember, not even a year ago, the super kids were battling with Coello and Tapia for first place!

UFO Lebron is capable of anything but…
As we learned from Stupa, it was Martin Di Nenno who decided to break up the pair. Obviously, it's to play with Juan LeBron.
It's no secret: the Andalusian is a UFO, we're talking about perhaps the most gifted player of his generation, a man capable of doing everything with the ball. On the right side, he seemed to be the best player in the world when he managed to keep his composure.
He is a player who makes you dream with his style and his way of playing. And that’s probably why he’s so talked about and why he’s so dangerous. We know that this player has a problem: himself. He can demonstrate the best and the worst. And for several months, he has rather shown a very irregular face, capable of missing certain matches, or even of not being the model teammate that we like to have at our side.

Stupa – Lebron: the splits
Going from Stupaczuk to LeBron is the big difference. Exit Stupa, a regular player, with whom Martin has experienced everything, and now place in Lebron, a player who could obviously surprise positively as he has already done, but also undermine the team as he also knows how to do unfortunately.
What if this was the face Lebron showed to Di Nenno? Both players are intelligent and Lebron plays a crucial card in his career. At his side, he is one of the very best right-wing players, a man with exemplary behavior on the track. Lebron will move to the left with Di Nenno if the association is confirmed. The question is not whether he is capable of it or not, Lebron is capable of everything and doing it magnificently, but whether the margin in terms of level with the competition was not greater on the right than on the left, where he will find in particular a Tapia or a Galan in his diagonal...
This is why, in my opinion, Martin Di Nenno is the one who takes THE risk of this transfer window by betting on a Lebron who can offer us the best and the worst.
An exclusively sports association?
Following the separation of super kids, we wonder if this association was only made on a sporting basis or if there were no other interests between the two players. It is rare in the history of padel to see a man end a pair that works rather to join a player who could, I believe, surprise us positively but who, at the same time, represents a great risk.
In my opinion, Stupa could have played the gamble card with Pablo Cardona... and it would have been less risky, but he didn't do it. Paquito Navarro, it seems, was not afraid to set his sights on the young and tall left-hander…
In a way, we can see that there are two totally different processes at Stupa and Martin and above all, we have the impression that the Lebron / Di Nenno association is perhaps not exclusively a sporting choice, but a choice linked to other interests.
We could speak of an interest of “brands”, but not even since one is with Babolat and the other at Bullpadel. Perhaps, and even certainly, the intuition is false, but for the moment it is difficult to say that Martin Di Nenno wanted this separation with Stupa for a Lebron who would move back to the left.
And you what do you think ?

Franck Binisti discovered padel at the Club des Pyramides in 2009 in the Paris region. Since then, padel has been part of his life. You often see him touring France to cover major French padel events.