What would happen if you stoned the glass of a padel court? For the first time, NXPadel conducted a crash test on its ComfortGlass to find out the result.

For what reasons can glass on a padel court break?

  • As you know, the most common and well-known cause, including from the many videos circulating on the Web, is the violent impacts of a player against glass during a game, an event that undoubtedly becomes dangerous both for those inside and for the audience outside the court who could see an entire XNUMX-foot wall of glass collapse directly above their heads at any moment.
  • The second cause may be the wind, which, when it blows intensely as during hurricanes or violent storms, tends to vibrate the glass in the court causing that, if the layers of silicone sandwiched between one wall and the other have begun to wear down excessively and if they have not been filled beforehand, two panes of glass may touch each other leading to their breaking. .
  • However, there is a third cause, perhaps the most insidious and frustrating for a club but not to be underestimated or less frequent: we are talking about the possibility of a padel court being vandalized through the throwing of stones or objects on the glass walls thus shattering them. , thus shattering them.

But what if all this happened on the ComfortGlass walls of the NXPadel Courts?

NX Technologies Padel

Those who are already familiar with this visionary manufacturer of padel courts know very well, that in addition to the <a href="https://www.nxpadel.com/en/fiberglass" title="ComfortGlass ">Fiberglass structure</a> (their real trademark) and the <a href="https://www.nxpadel.com/en/zeros" title="ComfortGlass ">ZeroS mat</a> (the world's first sandless one), one of the biggest innovations that has immediately distinguished NXPadel is ComfortGlass, the first acrylic glass studied and designed for padel and above all indestructible and 100% safe,even with regard to throwing objects.

To prove this, they could not shy away from testing it in a tangible way, and just last week they carried out an <a href="https://youtu.be/oT5jayufBOQ?si=STsXFjEjkSRLkwrN ">unprecedented crash test</a> in this field, simulating a real vandalism and throwing real of 5 different sizes and weights directly on the ComfortGlass of one of their padel courts.

NX test Padel stone throw

They placed themselves 2 meters away from one of the ComfortGlass panes and started throwing the 5 stones from the lightest to the heaviest a few seconds apart between each throw trying to always target the same area.

The result met expectations perfectly. Zero cracks, no breakage and ComfortGlass exactly as new, except for a couple of small scratches.

Would it have been the same on a classic tempered glass?

In conclusion, through this test, NXPadel testified how once again ComfortGlass is truly the most revolutionary solution for glass on a padel court.

Comfort Glass NX technology Padel

It is not only the safest solution for the players on the court and for the installers, who will be able to count on a product that is totally indestructible and prevents any accident or injury, but it is also an undeniable guarantee for club managers, who will thus be able to rely on a padel court that is durable, 100% performing and safe even in the event of vandalism.

In short, it really has to be said, ComfortGlass = Zero problems, for everyone !

Gwenaelle Souyri

It was his brother who one day told him to accompany him on a track. padel, since then, Gwenaëlle has never left the court. Except when it comes to going to watch the broadcast of Padel Magazine, World Padel Tour… or Premier Padel…or the French Championships. In short, she is a fan of this sport.
