In padel, an often overlooked element can make all the difference: the scoreboard. Much more than just an accessory, it turns out to be an essential tool for players, spectators and organizers.

Why adopt the scoreboard?

  • Clarity for all : In the middle of a match, it is easy to lose track of the score, especially in padel where points are scored one after the other. A scoreboard updated in real time allows everyone to follow the progress of the game without confusion. In addition, the proliferation of game formats, such as the "two sets with super tie-break" format, can further complicate monitoring for spectators and teams. A clearly displayed score simplifies all this.
  • Effective match management : For organizers and waiting players, knowing the progress of matches is necessary. This facilitates planning and reduces impatience, especially during tournaments where matches are back-to-back.
  • Reduction of disputes : Disagreements over the score can occur, especially in the absence of a referee. An up-to-date scoreboard serves as a reference and limits disputes, ensuring a better atmosphere on the field.

A wise investment

Installing a scoreboard is a cost, of course, but the benefits are numerous. In addition, it is an opportunity for sponsors to gain visibility by displaying their logo, thus offering a return on investment for the club. And it is not the elected official in charge of padel Eric Largeron who will say the opposite.

Benjamin Dupouy

I discovered padel directly during a tournament, and frankly, I didn't really like it at first. But the second time, it was love at first sight, and since then, I haven't missed a single match. I'm even ready to stay up until 3am to watch a final of Premier Padel !