The Perez/Moto-Nekiriai and N’Godrela/Pesselet pairs, recently crowned champions of New Caledonia, are preparing for the French championships of padel, which will be held on 4PADEL Strasbourg from September 13 to 15, 2024.
Although recipients of a subsidy from the FFT, these teams still have to face significant additional costs, such as changes to plane tickets, accommodation and various expenses linked to their stay in France. To overcome these obstacles, the two pairs launched online prize pools to solicit help from their community.
The funds raised will help finance the necessary costs for their travel and participation. In return for this support, teams promise to share their adventures through regular updates on social media, providing their supporters with insight into their experience.
Passionate about padel and New Caledonia fans are invited to contribute to these prize pools to help teams realize their dream of representing their island at national level.
You can support the players by visiting the links below.
- Celia Perez and Lindsey Moto-Nekiriai prize pool
- Prize pool of Nikolas N'Godrela and Lorentz Pesselet
Fan of padel, I offer you my expertise and my passion. See you soon on the slopes!