Competition games Padel Magazine are offered all year round on the site Padel Magazine and on social networks.
There are different types of competitions:
CASH BACK with Racket Trip
This is a competition in partnership with Racket Trip which allows a participant to be reimbursed partially or in full for their course purchased/validated via the site
Conditions to win:
- Like the post(s)
- Share and story the publication(s)
- Leave a comment naming 3 friends/partners
The reimbursement amount depends on:
- The price of your last internship validated on
- The number of people who participated in the competition: the amount reimbursed cannot be greater than the number of likes on a publication. Example: If 100 likes, €100 refunded; if 200 likes, €200 refunded
- The reimbursement cannot exceed €300. Example: if the internship costs €1000, the amount reimbursed will be €300.
- Reimbursement of transport and hotel costs is not included in the competition.
- And obviously, it’s a CASH BACK. It means that :
=> The internship must have been completed
=> The trainee must have noted / commented on his internship
Padel rackets or prizes to be won
Unless otherwise indicated, to win prizes to be won regularly via the channels of Padel Magazine.
Conditions to win:
- Like the post(s)
- Share and story the publication(s)
- Leave a comment naming 3 friends/partners