In the aftermath of 2025 French Interclub Padel Championships au 4PADEL Strasbourg, first observation: What a success !
Both in terms of organization that of the general state of mind, these interclub events are very attractive. The clubs and players are fully invested, and as explained previously, the work of the FFT in the establishment of the main competitions elite in France are bearing fruit.
Le a level has gone up another notch, with two ladies and gentlemen finals which ended in the decisive match. When the scenario lends itself to it and the suspense is there, it offers an exceptional spectacle.
As for Women, My Center Palavas achieves the double ! Out of three editions, the club has won the last two. Unlucky finalist, the Stade Toulousain hoped to take revenge. On paper, the gap seemed smaller than last year, particularly due to the absence ofAranzazu Osoro alias Zazu (18th world player) within the team of palavas throughout the weekend. The Stade Toulousain came close to creating a surprise, especially in the second match, but Louise Bahurel was able to make the difference against Lucile Pothier et Charlotte Soubrié, which can feed regrets. Behind, palavas was too strong to give in to the Toulousaines, courageous but irregular. The strength of palavas resides in its three homogeneous pairs and solid. For his part, Toulouse Stadium (Casas Padel Toulouse) perhaps lacked an additional player to hope to balance the debates during the third match.
As for gentlemen, Sète Padel Club imposes itself at the end of the suspense against the Big padel, which had no less than six players members of the JET Academy. Having survived the most challenging part of the painting, Big padel had managed to reach the final and almost went all the way. Everything came down to the third set of the decisive match, offering a breathtaking spectacle for the spectators present and those who followed the direct.
Some people think there are too many foreign players in some teams. But isn't that exactly what makes the interclub wealth ? Allow the meeting between different styles of play and offer high-level oppositions ? The general level has been remarkable, and it was also an opportunity to see players like Maxime Joris evolve alongside and in front of spanish players, a valuable experience for his development.
Moreover, FFT cannot intervene on the issue of foreign players since the France is part of theSchengen area. In this context, it is impossible to limit or prohibit the presence of European players within the teams. Clubs are therefore free to compose their teams as they wish.
These interclub come to close a month of January very busy in competitions, including the P2000 from La Rochelle, FIP Bronze Mondeville Caen, without forgetting the many P1000 which are experiencing a resurgence of interest.
Un promising start to the year for the continuation of 2025, With a international tournament record in France and many national competitions to come up.

Franck Binisti discovered padel at the Club des Pyramides in 2009 in the Paris region. Since then, padel has been part of his life. You often see him touring France to cover major French padel events.