The first match of the Reserve Cup Series took place last night at La Reserve Padel Miami. The match was between the “Team Reserve” team, led by the captain Derek Jeter, to the team “Team Miami”, led by the captain Andrew Schulz. Miguel Yanguas et Javier Garrido represented the Reserve team, whileAugustin Tapia et Eduardo Alonso played for Team Miami.

It was the latter who secured the first victory for the Miami team in three sets.

You can watch the match replay on the Youtube channel from Reserve Cup Series and the rest of the competition matches.

The other matches, initially scheduled after the first, were postponed due to weather conditions, marked by showers on the padel court. Since the court is outdoors, the organization had to adjust its plans. The second match, between the pair Coello/Gonzalez in pairs Gutierrez/Galan, was interrupted in the middle of the second set (6 / 3 - 3 / 1).

Nicolas Fillaudeau

A big sports enthusiast and former tennis player, I discovered padel a few years ago without really focusing on it. Then I became addicted to this sport by practicing it and watching the premier padel matches. Looking forward to sharing the 2025 news with you!