The person in charge of the development of women's padel at the FFT, Marianne Vandaele, as well as Jérémy Fliti (co-director of Padel Tolosa Mautauban), look back on a padel initiation event dedicated to women organized on the occasion of the club's first anniversary.

Marianne Vandaele: “Out of 30 uninitiated, 22 have created a WhatsApp group in order to continue playing with each other”

" On the occasion of the first anniversary of Padel Tolosa Montauban, Jérémy Fliti contacted me to offer me a federal action for women.

This is how we welcomed this Friday, July 1st, 30 women, all new to padel, from 18 p.m. to 21 p.m. This initiation took place on 5 tracks with one teacher per field. Everything was there for them to discover our great sport in the best conditions.

22 gave their contact details to create a WhatsApp group to continue playing among themselves, some have already signed up to take individual lessons, others are interested in the padel school, and one had even signed up for the mixed tournament with her husband on Sunday.

We are really delighted with this action at Padel Tolosa Montauban. Knowing that some had never heard of this sport, knowing that they will continue proves that these initiatives are necessary for the development of women's padel.

This club received the greatest attendance, welcoming 30 women, which underlines a great current dynamic, hoping to continue to receive more and more future players for the next initiations (The next one on July 29 at Sete Padel Clubs).

For the past few weeks, clubs have been contacting me for information on these women's actions; they are keenly interested in proposing them, in order to have more practitioners in their structure.
Whether with private or municipal clubs, committees or leagues, with the Mission Padel, created by the FFT in January, we are committed to helping the development of women's sports through

If you are interested in these initiations, do not hesitate to contact me at 06 21 50 72 24 or by mail ( "

The co-director of Padel Tolosa Mautauban, Jérémy Fliti, also appreciated the event.

Jérémy Fliti: “The club has been constantly evolving for a year!”

" Padel Tolosa Montauban blew out its first candle, On the strength of this first year of opening, the Montalbanais club (directed by Jérôme Cauchy and myself), therefore saw its first anniversary take place this weekend!

A Friday evening all in femininity with the arrival of Marianne, who orchestrated a discovery of our beautiful sport for 30 ladies. Moment that ended with a small exhibition match with the best players of the club and a few drinks, in joy and good humor.

At the same time, tournaments were also organized (P100 on Friday evening, P250 men on Saturday and P250 mixed on Sunday). On Saturday morning, some lucky people were taught padel by Marianne,
A great weekend for the club, which hopes to continue the development of the sport.

We are happy because the Club has been constantly evolving for a year, with a growing number of players and licensees, many new players and regular events so that padel
get the place he deserves in the department. A first year, rich in emotions, and on which the club will rely to go even further.

Jérémy Fliti and Jérôme Cauchy the 2 associates accompanied by their mixed partners
Nasser Hoverini

Passionate about football, I discovered padel in 2019. Since then, I have been crazy in love with this sport to the point of abandoning my favorite sport.