The objective of the study was to analyze the physical and physiological elements of amateur padel players, thus allowing the design of precise training programs to improve their performance.

From the results found, we can say that padel is a high-intensity intermittent sport alternating periods (very short and intense) of effort and recovery periods. In the same way as in tennis, the maximum time allowed between two points is 20 seconds, 90 seconds between changes of side and 120 seconds allowed at the end of each set. According to the study carried out by Sañudo et al. (2008), it was seen that the real playing time in a padel game, that is, the time in which the player is in action, is on average 71 seconds, for a break time of 73 seconds. This was measured in national competition players. In our amateur players, we can expect a relatively higher playing time since it has been shown in other racket sports such as tennis that a higher level leads to shorter points (J. Fernandez et al., 2006).

Still according to the study by Sañudo et al., it was shown that the average number of points in a game is 7,72 ± 0.46 points. We can therefore deduce that the actual playing time per point is approximately 10 seconds. However, we have seen that the time allowed between each point cannot exceed 20 seconds. We are therefore on an active time / recovery time ratio of approximately 10 seconds / 20 seconds. It will therefore be very interesting in our training to work on splits of the type 10 times 10s / 10s in order to improve the anaerobic qualities essential to padel.

The analysis of a match shows that even if the very short and intensive movements, the multiple changes of directions and the little time available to move use anaerobic qualities, the repetition of these efforts over time with incomplete recoveries require great aerobic qualities.

Indeed, even if more than 6% of the heart rates recorded during a match are at more than 90% of the maximum heart rate, this being explained by the multiple high-intensity sprints over a distance of 3 to 9 meters on average as well as the numerous changes of direction, the average heart rate recorded by our study on our 10 padel players is 139 beats per minute ± 9,68. Similarly, we were able to see that more than 90% of the playing time is spent at less than 6km/h by the players during a match. The time spent at high speed (>15km/h) represents only 0,01% of the total playing time.

This highlights the predominantly aerobic character, although interspersed with explosive anaerobic actions. It will therefore be essential in our physical preparation to work on aerobic endurance.

To reinforce this idea, it would have been interesting to be able to calculate the V02max during a padel match.

Short and intense actions call upon qualities of muscular power which is also a major determinant of performance in padel. Indeed, the repetition of different racket strokes requires a certain muscular power. According to the study by Carrasco et al. (2010), the smash which is a shot that requires a lot of power, core strength, coordination and balance, still represents 12,45% of all shots played during a match. The same goes for the net volley which represents more than 40% of shots played and which requires power, core strength, balance and agility. This notion of agility also comes into play given the multiplicity of forms of movement and different shots used by the padel player.

Physical preparation must therefore take into account both the quantitative aspect of short and intense actions (emphasizing the importance of aerobic and anaerobic qualities) but also the qualitative aspect of each action (emphasizing the importance of muscle power, balance, speed of reaction and agility) and thus be as complete as possible.

The essential physical qualities in padel which will guide physical preparation are:

  • Aerobic endurance
  • Anaerobic qualities
  • Muscle power
  • Reaction speed, agility and coordination
  • Strength endurance (sheathing, stabilization, balance)

Matthieu Lebourgeois is a sports physiotherapist and physical trainer. He takes care of amateur padel players from rehabilitation to re-athleticization and regularly plays padel as a hobby. Matthieu intends to test himself in competition and show his talent!