Le regular window cleaning on the grounds of paddle is often overlooked, yet it is essential to ensure a optimal gaming experience and preserve the quality of facilities.
Impact on game quality
Personalized clean windows guarantee a better visibilite for players, allowing them to anticipate the ball trajectories with precision. Thehumidity, whether it comes from the mist due to temperature variations or the sweat players, can alter the rebounds against the walls, making some shots more difficult to execute, since the ball will tend to fall when it hits the glass, which frustrates players because the “pista” does not offer optimal playing conditions. In addition, a ball that absorbs moisture becomes heavier, affecting the durability of the racket and the quality of the game.
Improved viewer experience
For the spectators, clean windows provide a better view of the pitch, making watching games more enjoyable. Better visibility can also encourage a larger crowd at tournaments.
Strengthening the club's image
A club that maintains its clean facilities, especially windows, projects a professional image and attractive. It can not only seduce new members, but also to retain regular players. Indeed, dirty windows can discourage players because they harm the quality of the playing conditions.
On the international circuit, maintenance of glass walls is a priority. They are cleaned several times during a meeting: between the sets, after each match or even at the request of the players. This attention to detail guarantees optimal conditions, essential at this level of competition.
When for his World Padel Tour in Toulouse in 2023, the famous "Jose The Best" had shared his valuable advice with Mario Cordero for effective window maintenance.
Durability of installations
Un regular window maintenance is essential to extend their lifespan. This helps prevent the build-up of dirt likely to damage surfaces in the long term, thus reducing the risk of broken windows.
It is also crucial to check the screws regularly. If a crack is detected, replace the glass quickly to avoid serious consequences. A striking example is that of Paquito Navarro, victim of an accident involving a broken window during a tournament World Padel Tour in Portugal.
By taking these preventive measures, you not only ensure the safety of the players, but also the sustainability of the infrastructure of paddle.
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I discovered padel directly during a tournament, and frankly, I didn't really like it at first. But the second time, it was love at first sight, and since then, I haven't missed a single match. I'm even ready to stay up until 3am to watch a final of Premier Padel !