Disaster ! Your opponent has just knocked the ball out of bounds and you must rush to get it back before losing the point. You leave the court and try as best you can to return the ball onto the court, but you trip over a flower pot and curse the tournament organizer. Cursing, you wonder if the exit space was really legal. After all, it seemed pretty tight, didn't it?
If you've ever asked yourself this question, you'll find the answer here. And this applies regardless of the country where you play. So you can add a measuring tape to your sports bag to ensure that the next tournament you attend uses the correct dimensions.
The field of padel measures 20 meters by 10. Concerning the exit space, two configurations exist. The first concerns land without exits, where a width of 1,4 meters is sufficient to allow circulation. When the pitch allows players to chase the ball, the clearance area must be at least 3 meters wide.
In all cases, this zone must measure 8 meters long and be a different color from the terrain to be clearly distinguished. Additionally, the opening on each side of the net must be at least 83 cm wide and between 2 meters and 2,2 meters high.
Fan of padel, I offer you my expertise and my passion. See you soon on the slopes!