Only 7 nations occupy the top 100 places in the world on the men's professional circuit. padel (FIP / Premier Padel). The surprise comes from Spain, which exceeds expectations by representing nearly two-thirds of the players, followed by Argentina. Italy stands out by rising to third place in the world. Brazil and Sweden are actually tied, as Pablo Lima, despite having retired, remains ranked 26th player in the world.
Distribution of nationalities – top 100
Here is the distribution of nationalities of the players in the top 100:
- Spain (ESP) : 65 players
- Argentina (ARG) : 23 players
- Italy (ITA) : 5 players
- Brazil (BRA) : 3 players
- Sweden (SWE) : 1 player
- Chile (CHI) : 1 player
- Portugal (POR) : 1 player
This distribution shows the predominance of Spanish and Argentinian players in the top 100. Spain accounts for the largest share, followed by Argentina, with other nationalities occupying smaller shares. For the moment, France no longer has any representatives in the world top 100 with the retirements of Benjamin Tison and Jérémy Scatena. While Thomas Leygue hopes to return to the world top 100 as soon as possible.
In total, there are 7 nationalities present in the top 100.
Some precisions
These figures must also be qualified for several reasons:
On the Italian side, 4 out of 5 players in the top 100 are from Argentina. This is the case of Facundo Dominguez, originally from Mar del Plata, who caused so many difficulties for France during the last European Championships in Sardinia. Aris Patiniotis, also born in Mar del Plata, followed the same path as Facundo, as did Denis Tomas Perino (53rd) from Córdoba in Argentina and Emiliano Martin Iriart from Lobería. Only Marco Cassetta, 100th player in the world, was actually born in Italy (in Torino).
The same goes for Portugal, which has only one representative: Antonio Luque. However, Antonio is also a player from Jaén in Spain.
As for Brazil, we included Pablo Lima in the statistics because he is still in the world rankings, but he retired internationally last year.
Here is the updated table with the players in the top 100, their nationality, the number of points and the players sharing the same ranking:
Ranking | Player name | Nationality | Points |
1 | Arturo Coello | ESP | 14,004 |
2 | Agustin Tapia | ARG | 12,800 |
3 | Alejandro galan | ESP | 12,729 |
4 | Federico Chingotto | ARG | 10,181 |
5 | Juan lebron | ESP | 9,134 |
6 | Martin Di Nenno | ARG | 8,782 |
7 | Franco Stupaczuk | ARG | 7,910 |
8 | Francisco Navarro | ESP | 7,154 |
9 | Fernando Belasteguin | ARG | 4,304 |
10 | Miguel Yanguas | ESP | 4,243 |
11 | Javier Garrido | ESP | 4,239 |
12 | Jeronimo gonzalez | ESP | 4,052 |
13 | Jorge nieto | ESP | 3,604 |
14 | Carlos Daniel Gutierrez | ARG | 3,562 |
15 | Alejandro Ruiz | ESP | 3,410 |
16 | Jon sanz | ESP | 3,381 |
17 | Juan Tello | ARG | 3,250 |
18 | Alejandro arroyo | ESP | 2,548 |
19 | Eduardo Alonso | ESP | 2,431 |
20 | Maximilian Sanchez | ARG | 2,361 |
21 | Lucas Bergamini | BRA | 2,268 |
22 | Victor Ruiz | ESP | 2,122 |
23 | Luciano Capra | ARG | 2,119 |
24 | Lucas Campagnolo | BRA | 1,998 |
25 | paul cardona | ESP | 1,877 |
26 | Pablo Lima | BRA | 1,696 |
27 | javier rico | ESP | 1,686 |
28 | Javier Ruiz | ESP | 1,658 |
29 | javier loyal | ESP | 1,630 |
30 | Gonzalo Rubio | ESP | 1,581 |
31 | Juanlu esbri | ESP | 1,480 |
32 | Francisco Manuel Gil | ESP | 1,443 |
33 | Teodoro Zapata | ESP | 1,376 |
34 | Ramiro Moyano | ARG | 1,287 |
35 | Ignatius Sager | ESP | 1,268 |
36 | Agustin gutierrez | ARG | 1,247 |
37 | Jairus Baptist | ESP | 1,229 |
38 | Javier Barahona | ESP | 1,196 |
39 | Juan Cruz Belluati | ARG | 1,188 |
40 | Enrique Goenaga | ESP | 1,153 |
41 | Alex Chozas | ARG | 1,140 |
42 | salvador oria | ESP | 1,139 |
43 | Anthony Fernandez | ESP | 1,129 |
44 | Jose Antonio Diestro | ESP | 1,114 |
45 | Francisco Guerrero | ESP | 1,098 |
46 | Javier Garcia | ESP | 1,055 |
47 | Valentino Libaak | ARG | 1,052 |
48 | Alvaro Cepero | ESP | 1,029 |
49 | Pablo Lijo | ESP | 1,009 |
50 | Leandro Augsburger | ARG | 974 |
51 | Jaime Munoz | ESP | 968 |
52 | Miguel Lamperti | ARG | 956 |
53 | Denis Tomas Perino | ITA | 944 |
54 | Agustin Gomez Silingo | ARG | 932 |
55 | Javier valdes | WHO WE | 901 |
56 | Jose rico | ESP | 893 |
57 | Arnau Ayats | ESP | 875 |
58 | Luis Hernandez Quesada | ESP | 871 |
59 | Facundo Dominguez | ITA | 844 |
60 | Daniel Windahl | SWE | 843 |
61 | Ivan Ramirez | ESP | 836 |
62 | Inigo Jofre | ESP | 833 |
63 | Miguel Benítez Lara | ESP | 811 |
64 | Emilio Sanchez Chamero | ESP | 808 |
65 | Miguel Angel Solbes | ESP | 804 |
66 | Jose Solano Marmolejo | ESP | 802 |
67 | Miguel Semmler | ESP | 777 |
68 | Ignacio Vilarino Gestoso | ESP | 770 |
69 | Victor Mena | ESP | 762 |
70 | Aris Patiniotis | ITA | 756 |
71 | Cristian German Gutierrez | ARG | 754 |
72 | Jose jimenez casas | ESP | 744 |
73 | Jose David Sanchez | ESP | 740 |
74 | carlos marti | ESP | 737 |
75 | Pablo Garcia Rodrigo | ESP | 735 |
76 | Raúl Marcos | ESP | 733 |
77 | Federico Mourino | ARG | 705 |
78 | Alvaro Melendez Amaya | ESP | 693 |
79 | Anton Sans | ESP | 688 |
80 | Jorge Ruiz | ESP | 666 |
81 | Javier Martinez | ESP | 665 |
82 | Diego Gil | ESP | 661 |
83 | Jose Luis Gonzalez placeholder image | ESP | 654 |
84 | Fran Ramirez Navas | ESP | 644 |
85 | Mario Del Castillo | ESP | 641 |
86 | Pedro Melendez Amaya | ESP | 625 |
87 | Marc Quilez | ESP | 616 |
88 | Antonio Luque | POR | 612 |
89 | Mario Huete Hernandez | ESP | 610 |
90 | Aitor Garcia | ESP | 597 |
91 | Mario Ortega | ESP | 582 |
92 | Ignacio Piotto Albornoz | ARG | 563 |
93 | Toni Bueno | ESP | 562 |
94 | Miguel Gonzalez | ESP | 556 |
95 | Alonso Rodriguez Martinez | ESP | 554 |
96 | rafael mendez | ESP | 548 |
97 | Jesus moya | ESP | 533 |
98 | Daniel Santigosa Sastre | ESP | 524 |
99 | Emiliano Martin Iriart | ITA | 511 |
100 | Frame Cassetta | ITA | 506 |
100 | Sergio Alba | ESP | 506 |
The last two players, Frame Cassetta et Sergio Alba, share the same position with 506 points each.
Franck Binisti discovers the padel at the Club des Pyramides in 2009 in the Paris region. Since padel is part of his life. You often see him touring France going to cover the major events of padel French.