Tito and Tolito: an almost unexpected rebirth in New York!
Tito Allemandi and Tolito Aguirre defied the odds somewhat by winning the New York Grand Master. Indeed, if the number 3 seed is naturally one of the most dangerous pairs...
Read more "Tito Allemandi and Tolito Aguirre defied the odds somewhat by winning the New York Grand Master. Indeed, if the number 3 seed is naturally one of the most dangerous pairs...
Read more "Tito Allemandi and Tolito Aguirre had a great Sunday, which saw them become the first players to win a professional padel tournament in New York. And it was at the end of a particularly…
Read more "Small disappointment on this semi-final day in New York. Due to humidity, the semi-finals, which were to be played on Saturday, were postponed until Sunday morning. The final will be played immediately after, from…
Read more "There was a great spectacle during the quarter-finals of the A1 New York Grand Master in the heart of Central Park. And we already know the posters for the semi-finals. THE…
Read more "From 15 p.m. local time (21 p.m. in France) for the quarter-finals of the A1 New York Grand Master, watch the live streams on the A1 Youtube channelPadel :
Read more "The organization of the A1 New York Grand Master decided to play all the matches on a single court, the central one located in Central Park. This is the assurance for fans to see all the matches,…
Read more "The first round has just finished in New York, and the players are already preparing for a very big Thursday, with all eighths scheduled on the center track in Central Park (if…
Read more "Nicholas Agritelley created a sensation yesterday during the first lap of the A1 Padel New York Grandmaster. Indeed, the local player, accompanied by the Venezuelan Luis Estrada, won his first round against the…
Read more "Here we go for the second day of A1 Padel Grand Master of New York. After a Monday with no real surprises, we see some of the big names making their debut in the United States today, like Juani De Pascual…
Read more "The main table of the A1 Padel New York Grand Master started this Monday and we were able to see one of the big names in this sport at work in Central Park, Marcello Jardim. THE…
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