Where to do a padel course during the Christmas holidays?
Christmas holidays… That time of year when the cold invades homes, when fireplaces are lit and festive meals follow one another. What if we changed the rules of the game…
Read more "Christmas holidays… That time of year when the cold invades homes, when fireplaces are lit and festive meals follow one another. What if we changed the rules of the game…
Read more "At the moment, Africa and padel are not closely linked, that's clear. However, this is changing and Padel Mag offers you to analyze this. The Maghreb, a step ahead Morocco has…
Read more "Padel remains a largely unknown sport on the African continent and particularly in Senegal where football and wrestling are kings. But this could soon change thanks to the initiatives of the association…
Read more "Envy, enthusiasm, commitment and a lot of daring, these are the 4 values that have given birth to a new “Robin Haziza Training Academy” in Senegal. An unprecedented collaboration with the club Padel Senegal which has for ...
Read more "Senegal opened up to padel a few years ago with several clubs between Dakar, the capital and Saly, the seaside resort. During this winter period when the cold reigns in France, why not…
Read more "Note that our Senegalese friends will play from July 5 to 7 in the Netherlands against Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland during these qualifications for the 2018 padel world championships. A…
Read more "Senegal is the first country on the African continent to join the International Federation of Padel. This is probably a historic day for the padel community since the African continent is thus joining (finally 🙂…
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