Le TCAM (Tennis club Amiens Métropole)organized from November 27 to 28 the second edition of its P1000 female. This tournament, which promises to be formidable, did not disappoint!
On the field show.
This tournament which notably brought together 4 French players from the TOP 10 was rather raised. The spectators had the opportunity to attend beautiful clashes throughout the weekend. And the highlight of the show was undoubtedly the final, which opposed the number 1 seeds, Geraldine Sorel and Wendy Barsotti, to seed number 2, Marie Lefevre and Laura Buteau. These are ultimately Laura Buteau and Marie Lefevre who won : 7/6; 4/6; 6/2. A spectacular match, hooked, and full of suspense that will have delighted the spectators.
The little final saw the pair Nastasia Boitier-Legourd / Marine Fontaine take third place. In parallel with this P1000, a P100 also had lieu and these are the Amiénoises Coralie Alexandre and Anne-Sophie Devillier who won.
..And outside
This tournament is a real success. An observation shared by the players, and in particular the winners, "We are well received and that's why, I think, the girls are coming back again this year" Explain Laura Buteau. An opinion that his partner also shares Marie Lefevre, who are " There is a very good organization. Women's tournaments are rare and that's cool. ". But how to explain the success of this young tournament (the first edition took place in 2019)? Just because the organizers wanted to include unique services for the players so that they can concentrate as much as possible on padel.
Pascal Haduch, (TCAM president) says it clearly: “There aren't really any precise specifications for this kind of event, but we have imposed specifications that are a bit like CNGT in tennis. That is to say transport support for the players, Accommodation costs for quarter-finalists. There is a driver system with shuttle for travel".
A competition that meets all the conditions to be a success on a sporting and organizational level, which is now truly positioned as a tournament of choice in the padel landscape in France. In addition, the addition of 3 additional sites is under study in order to strengthen the TCAM in terms of infrastructure and why not, to eventually be able to organize P2000 !

Passionate about football, I discovered padel in 2019. Since then, I have been crazy in love with this sport to the point of abandoning my favorite sport.