If you are fired PADEL via the FFT, you will see that you will have many advantages.

The FFT guarantee is included in the license and aims to repair the damage caused by the licensee following an event for which he is directly or indirectly responsible under the Civil Code.

Are guaranteed:

  • damage caused to third parties as a result of insured persons and goods (movable or immovable) used by them within the framework of the insured activities, as well as the functioning of the medical service and social works managed or subsidized directly by the insured;
  • the costs incurred to defend the insured parties involved in the event of a claim;
  • damage (damage, breakage, etc.) caused to property (including buildingstiments) entrusted to the insured on the occasion of the occasional provision (free or expensive).

Below is the table of amounts:

Guarantee Amount per claim Discretionary
All damage combined50000000€ 
Of which material damage, consequential immaterial31000000€nothingness
Of which non-consequential non-material damage15000000€2300 € in non-consecutive immaterial damages
Criminal Defense
or civil remedy
150 000 €150 €

Professional sports mediator (judicial or conventional) - mediation trainer - and lawyer based in Bordeaux. Passionate of Padel and Tennis, he is regularly appointed by clubs, associations or sportsmen (ves) in amicable settlement of disputes before any trial. For Padel Mag, he reviews monthly news on conflict resolution and mediation.
Do not hesitate for any question: pujol.avocatmediateur@gmail.com
Sports Mediators: a healthy “mediation” spirit, for a peaceful sporting practice.