Le P2000 Impact Stadium La Rochelle marked the start of the 2025 season with a high-level tournament. Here is a recap of all the results:

Men's side

The final saw Thomas Leygue and Bastien Blanqué, seeded 1, imposed himself with authority against Johan Bergeron and Dylan Guichard, seeded 2.

Ladies' side

In women, Léa Godallier and Charlotte Soubrié, seeded 2, confirmed their status by triumphing in the final.

All results of the classification matches

Benjamin Dupouy

I discovered padel directly during a tournament, and frankly, I didn't really like it at first. But the second time, it was love at first sight, and since then, I haven't missed a single match. I'm even ready to stay up until 3am to watch a final of Premier Padel !