Tuesday at Marbella Master A1 Padel, one match in particular could attract attention: the second round between Zamora/Gonzalez and Arce/Dal Bianco. Even if the former number 1s of the circuit are favorites, it will be necessary to be careful against the two young nuggets.
Indeed, aged only 16, Juan Zamora and Mariano Gonzalez have just won a crushing victory 6/0 6/1 against Arturo Miguel Hernando (78th) and Martin Araujo De Lizarza (70th). We also remember that they pushed the Tolito/Alfonso pair, at their best, to battle for three sets during the Beausoleil tournament last May.
The big leap to the pros
These two young players could choose to focus on junior tournaments and probably win a few. However, they have enough confidence in their level of play to compete against players on the professional circuitL. Currently, they are both ranked around 80th on the A1 circuit Padel.
A promising future
Zamora alias “Coquito” has already been talked about several times. Recently, he came out of the FIP Promotion Valencia qualifiers to reach the semi-finals, where he lost with Daniel Luna Peinado to the No. 2 seed, Rodriguez (95) and Santigosa (98), by the score more than respectable 7/5 7/6. Note that the two qualifiers are respectively ranked 505th and 675th on the FIP circuit.
We also remember that Zamora was part of the Spanish junior world champion team in November 2023, and that he was already attracting attention in 2020, at the age of 12. He is also the junior world champion in pairs in the U16 category. He imposed himself on the Curro Cabeza against the Paraguayan pair Facundo Dehnike/Mariano Gonzalez.
Rivals in the final of the junior world championships and now teammates on the A1 Padel, the Gonzalez/Zamora duo is full of promise and could well surprise a few pairs on the Fabrice Pastor circuit.
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