10 reasons to get started padel

In addition to raisons conventional that push us to take the plunge try your hand at padel, it seems important to us to highlight other arguments which make the padel is beneficial for you.

The main thing is that you have to make up your own mind about this fun and quickly accessible sport. Here is a non-exhaustive list of reasons that may convince you to join our community of players.


Regular physical activity will help you lose weight. Also, in one hour of play you will take about 5 steps, or half of the WHO recommendation for a day. It is not negligible !


If you do several parts per week (at least 3), you will decrease cardiovascular risks by 56%. For a sport that attracts such a senior audience, this is an advantage that should not be forgotten.

Fight aging

Physical activity prevents aging of the muscles and the skeleton. Sport fights the signs of aging by making your body toned and keeping you in general shape.


Le padel helps improve proprioception (the sense of balance). Also, it increases the coordination of the eye with the foot and with the hand. This is a very important relationship, the eye that receives the right information must be able to transmit it to the feet and to the hand. With good reception of the information, the feet will allow the player to position themselves well, and the hand will be able to strike the ball well.

Reduce stress

We live in a society where stress is present en masse. The padel allows you to disconnect from everyday problems, and physical activity relieves daily tension.

Development of attention

When you play padel, you have to think about the tactics to adopt for your match, to think up a game plan, which stimulates your brain. It develops your attention by focusing on your opponent's game. Your brain tries to decipher it to adapt your strategy and achieve victory.


The brain has to determine angles, trajectories hundreds of times per game. So with experience your decision making will be faster to always respond to balls arriving faster and faster. Your brain will adapt more quickly to the choices presented to it, whether in the field or during daily life.

Enjoying family / friends

The ease of play, the growth in the number of courts, allows the whole family to play and have fun. Whatever your level, you can have fun with your loved ones without any problem, enjoy a moment of sharing but also meet new people!

Develop your teamwork

Le padel is a team sport so you will need to develop skills to achieve a common goal. You will have to collaborate with your partner by joining forces. Indispensable qualities to be a good player of padel, which are also invaluable in life in general.

Communication social

Play at padel requires communicating clearly and quickly with one's partner. You have to know how to help your partner when he is not at his best. You will have to indicate the position of your opponents to your partner so that he can make the right move. It will help you to effectively formulate your thought!


source: Padel Addict

Published by
Alexis Dutour
Tags: padel