4 recommendations to start at padel

When we start to play padel, it is normal to make mistakes. Don't worry, this is a new sport and there are a lot of parameters to grab between bounces, walls etc. To take maximum pleasure, try to be guided by a teacher at first.

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  1. Which jack to use for playing padel ?

When we are beginners it is important to use only one take at padel which will be the one mainly used.

We advise you to get closer to a teacher from padel when you start the padel. Because we see many players acquire bad holds.

Beyond the fact that the player will stagnate in his level of play, he takes a risk for his health.

  1. Do not use the tennis lift

Attention, we do not say that we should never use the lift. It can be used to surprise his opponent, play in the feet or to realize a PAR 3 (Outgoing Smash: We often talk about kick and not lift).

But it is better to first force yourself to play from top to bottom and not from bottom to top as in tennis. Tennis players who are embarking on the padel must at padel deprogram yourself to avoid doing just that during a match.

By lifting the ball, you take the risk of bouncing the ball too much and thus facilitate an offensive of your opponents.

Reminder: At more advanced levels, you can use the tennis lift to find the opponent's foot zone when he is near the net, for example.


  1. Bend the legs

A common mistake in padel is to bend the back instead of bending the knees. From the first moments spent in the field of padel, it is important to specify that it is essential to bend the legs. This will help you especially to avoid back pain which is very often painful and takes a long time to heal.

  1. Enjoy the field

One of the most important factors is having fun on a padel. What makes the strength of padel today is the atmosphere that reigns over tournaments and clubs of padel. The more you enjoy playing, the faster you will be able to increase your level.

Published by
Alexis Dutour