4 things you only learn if you play padel

Play at padel has many benefits, besides fun, better physical shape, etc. There are things you will only discover when you pick up a racket, step onto a court, and you start hitting balls, running like crazy when the ball hits the wall, or fighting to put the maximum in. effect in your ball.

  1. Your wrists and knees exist.

Your wrist is essential for successful strikes, handling your racquet, avoiding injuries or even protecting yourself from bullets. Knees are important for changes in pace and direction, that is, reaching the ball without having to jump like Rambo.

  1. Your eye has improved.

What you learn when you play padelis that your eyesight is truly amazing. It doesn't matter if you are looking away or the ball hasn't even hit the ground - you've seen it good or bad, depending on the situation.

No need for discussion or replaying the point.

This view worthy of a lynx, which allows to visualize all the possible angles of the ground, is obtained only within a ground of padel.

Of course, the eye is also the sense of anticipation. Knowing how to read the trajectories is acquired over time ... So do not panic if at first it's not easy!

  1. The friendship lasts until the end.

This sport helps you understand how important friendship is. All the players have giggles at the padel  until the game gets serious. And there, no more neighborhood.

After the game, depending on the type of player padel that you are, friendship returns and all is well. But while we play, there are no more buddies that exist.

  1. Sell ​​the skin of the bear before killing it.

Typical moment of padel : you get an easy ball, you think it's final, because you used your keen eye, your competitive spirit, your wrists, your knees…

It's funny and you know it. Your shot has everything: effect, speed, placement ... And you celebrate it. You scream. You turn around. You raise your fist. You look at your partner. You feel strong, unbeatable, proud. You know that you have won.

But no.

The opponent, against all odds, out of nowhere a new move that, perhaps, would be nothing in normal times, and any player could have finished the point with relative ease.

A classic of padel, because at padel nothing is impossible !

Published by
Alexis Dutour