4PADEL launches its news channel: 4NEWS

The network 4PADEL is not limited to regularly opening clubs, developing offers and creating players of Padel : today they are officially launching their news channel: 4NEWS !

To start the year well, you will already find 2 articles:

1 - The history of the network 4PADEL > https://4padel.fr/4news/4padel-stories-1-lhistoire-du-reseau-4padel
2 - The creation of the name "4PADEL "> https://4padel.fr/4news/4padel-stories-2-la-creation-du-nom-4padel

Why must you follow this news channel? What will happen to it and especially who is hiding behind these articles?

To answer these questions we went to see “EL CONDOR”, the discreet and elusive author of the first articles already published and who is part of the 4NEWS collective, a mysterious editorial group:

Hi “El Condor”, we know that you are part of the “4NEWS” collective but who are you really?

Hi Franck. Well tried but it would be too simple and I would take too much risk in revealing my identity. I will regularly reveal a lot of secrets about the brand 4PADEL, its creation, its history and its actuality .. I can not compromise my identity right now. So is the survival of my employment contract.

I'm behind the entity I belong to: the collective 4NEWS will relay you a lot of information via this new news channel.

And you can already have some answers by reading the first article on network history 4PADEL (https://4padel.fr/4news/4padel-stories-1-lhistoire-du-reseau-4padel).

Okay, tell us what is the purpose of this news channel 4NEWS?

The first objective is to unveil the other side of the network: the story of its creation, how we found the name, who are the people who make up the team 4PADEL.

And then of course to relay the news of our network and padel in general: the stages of 4PADEL Tour, the crisp news, the padel international, interviews with personalities Padel… We will try to deal with a bit of everything, but keeping a very offbeat tone and freedom of writing.

The regulars of your site will find a complement there because the regular and pointed information of the Padel is necessarily on PadelMag, and if you want to have a good time and have a good laugh going further you can read 4NEWS.

Le Padel needs more players to continue to exist and to develop, this is a certainty but it is also necessary that the actors of the Padel retain the existing base of padelistos .. we hope that with this news channel we will contribute to it and that the community will not stop growing.

We thank you for your time but before you wish a good launch tell us how we can follow your publications?

Simply via our website www.4padel.fr / 4news but also by following our social networks: https://www.facebook.com/4PADELFrance/ ou https://www.instagram.com/4padel/

I thank you Franck for the time granted. We like to adopt an offbeat tone but more seriously we really wanted to thank you for your hard work in the world of Padel for several years. We strongly believe in the growing power of the community Padel and it is thanks to news channels like yours that the story continues and advances positively.

Published by
Franck Binisti