5 reflexes to have to build a track well padel

You have a club project padel ? Jérémy Scatena, in addition to being one of the best French players, is also a specialist in the construction of padel. With structure 100% PADEL, it gives you 5 reflexes to have:

The positioning of the tracks

Pay attention to the positioning of the pitches according to the sun.

Outdoors, you should try to build the land in a North/South orientation as far as possible.


The layout of the tracks must take into account the fact that the padel is also played off the pitch. There are more and more players padel and the level rises, more and more players spike by 3 and it is then possible to play the ball outside the field. It is therefore necessary at least 3 meters to make outings possible and clubs are advised to have at least part of their land that allows outings. In this context it is necessary to install protections on the post of the net and the frame of the door. Take the opportunity to do some publicity!

A smooth, flat slab

It seems obvious but the courts must be placed on a smooth and flat slab (0,6 to 0,8% slope outdoors). Some tennis clubs lay their tennis courts padel directly on the quick without making a slab, we think it's a bad idea because the quick plates tend to move over time (especially when cutting them to make stringers), which creates false rebounds in the level of expansion joints. Outdoors, the slab must be a few centimeters above the ground, so during bad weather there is no soil coming back on the slab.

The choice of lawn

The choice of grass is very important because, like the slab, it determines the quality of a pitch and often its durability. We advise to turn to a recognized brand (Mondo, Turfgrass) and to favor either monofilament for lawns with sand, or textured (says without sand).

Preferred LEDs for lighting

It is imperative to install 8 quality LEDs for lighting. In fact at padel we are sometimes very close to each other, and certain phases of the game require important reflexes. In addition to allowing optimal play, good vision is also a guarantee of safety for players.

Published by
Franck Binisti