5 tips to celebrate your victories to the fullest

In this column, we're going to give you five great tips to enjoy your wins in the padel, and to be proud of it. You will see that these victories will perhaps allow you to revive yourself when the going gets worse ...

Here are the 5 tips

  1. Share your victories. First of all, all the joy is greater when you share, therefore, share the news of your victory with your friends, family and acquaintances. Although it is possible to communicate the news via social networks, it is gratifying to share them in person with at least three people, because the feedback is more automatic and closer.
  1. Create a journal of your victories and goals achieved. Having a sports journal in which to reflect the good moments and detail the feelings of happiness of certain stages is an emotional gift that you can do yourself so you can reread as many times as you like, the moments of your sports career.
  1. Remember past victories. Perform creative image-centric visualization exercises. To do this, find a comfortable place to relax, close your eyes and remember a very happy victory in your playing career. padel. Remember how you felt at that moment and specify as much as possible the details of this phase.
  1. Reward yourself after a victory. Think about what is the best reward for you after a great effort and feel free to give yourself that whim to elevate your self esteem.
  1. Use your free time to enjoy. Celebrate with concrete projects the good news of a victory in a padel. You can add value to your celebration by doing projects that you really love in your spare time. But extend the celebration for several days, try very hard and do not hesitate to give yourself this whim to increase your self-esteem.

How do you celebrate your victories?

What do you think of these tips? Do you usually celebrate your victories? Although the padel be a hobby for us, the truth is that we use many hours of training and games in order to have fun, but also in the hope of winning as many matches as possible in pursuit of our goals (either win a tournament. or a beer against your friends).

 Anyway, each player has his goals, so when you realize your achievements, do not hesitate to take advantage of this victory.

Published by
Alexis Dutour