8 bases at padel to build the perfect pair

To understand this phenomenon, let's look at the World Padel Tour (WPT). Players rarely change partners during a season. On the other hand, it is rare that the same players start and end the season together.

In this column, we will observe, analyze, and find out what are the determining factors in choosing the perfect pair in the Padel.

What to do, how to build the best possible pair?

  1. The individual game

This factor is very important, since each player plays in his own way (more defensive, more offensive, at risk, etc.), and the Padel playing in pairs, you have to find two styles of games that complement each other. Each player must put all the ingredients (not one more than the other) for the pair to work otherwise it is doomed to failure.

  1. The duet game

This is another key factor, it is necessary to identify, in addition to the particular style of play to each player, how each player can help the other. For example, knowing which player covers the middle zone with each ball or how to react when your partner leaves the field. This will be done over time, it takes time for a pair to work.

  1. Get used to changing partners regularly

You can not play all the time with the same player. To be able to find your perfect team, you have to try with several players with different game styles. It's the same when you want to buy a racket, you try several to find the best, it's the same here.

  1. The flexibility of the players

This factor is important too. Each player reacts differently to the pair change. Indeed, a player who played all the time with the same person will be disoriented at first if you put it with someone else. On the other hand, a player who is used to playing with different people will be more able to adapt.

For this, the communication is very important to define the roles of each player, the communication on the ads will also be defined.

  1. A speed of adaptation

This point is very related to the previous one, since it is about the fact that each player adapts more or less quickly to his new partner.

  1. the Motivation box

What will make the difference between a pair that works, and one that will hurt, is the involvement of players in their desire to succeed together. Attitude is what will make the difference between two pairs of the same levels.

  1. To fix objectives

It will be important for both players in the new pair to fight for a common goal. Both players have to talk about it, agree on what they want to do on the season, no one else can do it for them. Be careful, the objectives should not be unfeasible, otherwise you can be quickly discouraged.

  1. Know your partner's game

This is a factor that may make it easier for you to choose your new partner, who has already played a match with him before (as a partner or opponent). This will allow the pair to get to know each other more quickly, and therefore to succeed faster in competitions.

Published by
Alexis Dutour