Where does the strength come from? padel ?

Received idea : When we hit a ball, very often we think that the force is first made by the arm, the forearm and the shoulder, it is a mistake and we explain why ...

Improve force transmissions

The human body works like a puzzle, all the pieces must be in the right position and must "work" together, a muscle is always weaker than a set of muscle.

Thus, we will not seek to develop impressive muscles in the biceps or shoulders, but rather to seek a correlation between lower limbs (legs) and upper limbs (arms, shoulders) that optimizes the force to hit the ball.

  • Clearly, the production of force is first generated by the supports (lower limbs) and then transmitted to the racket (upper limbs).

  • Illustration of a smash (aerial 😉): the production of force is first generated by the lower limbs and is transmitted to the racket.

To work these so-called qualities of sheathing and proprioception we offer you some exercises that we put in place in our FIT sessionsPADEL :

(For unilateral exercises, consider performing both sides).

Exercise # 1: Isometric squat with bungee rotation

Exercise N ° 2: Squat + Developed

Exercise N ° 3 (Advanced level): Push-ups on a balance plate

Exercise N ° 4: Isometric lunge + elastic arm extension

A few words about functional cladding and low back pain ...

The benefits of a physical training will be real on the treatment of the pain in the event of problems with the back, the improvements will be nerve (motor unit recruitment) and muscle (hypertrophy, fast fiber work).

  • It should be understood that in the case of low back pain, at the same point as improving performance, it is better to do intensive exercises rather than low intensity exercises.

Indeed, work in imbalance or accelerate asks for a fast work of fibers and thus forces the posture to trigger mechanisms of postural adaptations which are called "Anticipatory" because programmed by the brain before the gesture itself to facilitate its execution or accuracy.

  • In the field, in the courts of FITPADEL, we put exercises in place on tools such as the Dynair ©, ​​the Bosu © or the TRX © to work on these imbalance situations that allow a lumbar and abdominal reinforcement and thus develops functional cladding.

Training Tip : You can do these exercises in circuit training, between 4 and 6 laps of 10 / 15 repetitions by exercises.

Have a good training!


  • Photo credit: Alban SERRA
  • Club: MAS Tennis
  • Thanks to Elo Damiano for the illustrations of the smash.


Published by
Franck Binisti