A good distribution of points during tournaments?

Now that the tournaments can resume, from May 19, it is time to take an interest in the points distribution system during tournaments which is not always unanimous among the players ...

Distorted classifications between regions?

When an FFT approved tournament is organized, the number of points is given to the pair according to the place at which they finish the tournament respecting the scale in force.

However, with the development of padel on French territory, there are more and more tournaments and therefore fewer teams per competition.

Let's take an example : “There are 3 tournaments over a weekend in the same region, and not a single one that exceeds 16 teams.” One of the tournaments has “only” 12 pairs entered. With the current weighting, the team that finishes last will have the points for 12th place instead of having 0. This has an important consequence on rankings.

Indeed, if “In another region there is only one tournament on the same weekend”, we can imagine that there will be about thirty pairs registered, and the players who finish last will have them 0 points... In the long run, this kind of situation can lead to rankings are completely skewed from one region to another.

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In addition, we can witness another phenomenon which is that of the search for the right plan! “Let's imagine that there is a P250 and a P500 during the same weekend in the same geographical area”. In the absence of bigger tournaments nationally, some of the best domestic players who live in this region are going to participate in this P500. Thus, pairs who could normally be quarter-finalists in this tournament will be able to go to the P250 to make sure they take points. We will end up with two tournaments that are a little distorted ... And some clubs are sometimes suspected of choosing tournament dates to earn as many points as possible for their members.

In conclusion, should we not establish a points distribution system more indicative of the level of a tournament? It's up to you to give us your opinion, and your ideas!

Thanks to Pierre Bouen for his contribution

Published by
Alexis Dutour