In 1 year, there is an impressive evolution in the tournaments of padel in France. Seen from the outside the study of the different categories of tournaments of padel is interesting. A subject on which there is obviously debate. Feel free to review.

2/3 years ago, the players of padel who liked competition a little swore by the P1000 tournaments, this famous top category set up by the FFT. A very good idea whose objective was to boost the best players and the most competitive.

We met with the best French players of padel, but also with players who sometimes started the padel and who nevertheless oriented their competitions padel to P1000. Some clubs were also surprised to see P100 / P250 set aside by more modest players and thus take the lead in this elite event.

Today, we have the impression that there is an opposite effect. The P100 and P250 have taken their stripes. We want more and even players who traveled all over France for P1000s have moderated themselves to the point of now preferring their club's P250. Players even sometimes fight to get out of the top 100 and thus be able to play the P250 tournaments prohibited to the top 100 French players. A rule that has already been widely criticized by clubs and players ... But for the moment this rule holds when it would suffice that we simply reason in terms of weight per team.

A change of mentalities very interesting to note.

This P1000 category which worked so well with sometimes 2 P1000 tournaments on the same weekend seems to be running out of steam. There are even some weekends where there is none when until last year, we could argue a weekend to be allowed to do a P1000. If there was a great enthusiasm behind this competition, in one year, this category is normalized.

The best players are no longer necessarily willing to spend a large budget to go for a P1000. The top players are logically mobilizing now towards P2000. This P1000 event, which was national, is becoming more regional. There are many reasons:

  • First, it was said, there was a moment, the players were so solicited, there was a mental fatigue and financial players. Clubs have also evolved about this event.
  • Then, with the arrival of the P2000s, the P1000s are no longer the queen competitions of the padel French.
  • And finally, doing the P250 for your club is often fast, you play several matches and no need to travel all over France. And today there is a high level in the top 500 to allow all types of players to have fun.

This article is more about men's events than ladies and it will certainly take a while for things to balance naturally for all categories of tournaments.

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Published by
Julien Bondia