A Stupa/Lebron pair in 2024? Proposal refused by Stupa

Clearly, this end of the season has many surprises in store for us… and this time, it’s Franco Stupaczuk which gives us exclusivity. The Argentinian, who we know associate with his childhood friend Martin Di Nenno, would have been contacted by Juan lebron to play together during the 2024 season.

But it doesn't stop there! In the Spanish newspaper Trademarks, Franco Stupaczuk also confirmed that: “Ale [Galán] spoke with Martín [Di Nenno]".

But then, what does that mean? Should we say goodbye to the former world number ones, who are only four titles away from the Lima/Belasteguin record? Should we say goodbye to superpibes, one of the best pairs of this 2023 season? Franco Stupaczuk gives us the answer: “Juan actually spoke with Carlos [Pozzoni], who is more or less the one who represents me, but the idea, as I told you, is to continue together [with Martin Di Nenno]".

Rest assured, it seems that the superpibes will continue their adventure together. But what about Lebron/Galan? Well, if they have been trying to silence the rumors for several months, a possible separation still seems possible.

This statement from Stupa only adds a little fuel to the fire in the possible separation of the Wolf and Galantico. Earlier in the week, a Galan/Chingotto pair had been mentioned. Because yes, Juan LeBron's start to the season is uncertain, following his elbow injury, which had kept him away from the slopes for a few months this season.

For now, the future of the Lebron/Galan pair seems really uncertain. The next few weeks will be decisive for both players.

Published by
Gwenaelle Souyri