Fear of doing an internship padel ?

You are afraid to make a internship in padel with players or groups who have not not the same level that you ? You will see that if you are right to think about it, the structures that deal with internships padel usually pay close attention to this important point.

You get a bad experience internships padel. You are in a group far too strong, even if in general we do not complain about this situation. The problem may arise when you have fallen into a group whose level is lower than yours.

Is there a miracle recipe? Yes and no. Whether in your club padel, whether it's another sport, in group lessons, you also have to learn to play sometimes with less good people. Because remember, if you happen to be in a position where you are the strongest link, the reverse has certainly been the case, and probably without you realizing it.

To limit these variations in levels in groups, specialists offer training courses. padel according to groups of levels.

We have listed them for you HERE.

Clubs padel in France also specialize more and more. The centers offer more and more important offers and today we see foreigners coming to France for its infrastructures.


Published by
Franck Binisti