Amr Mansi: “Creating a solid foundation for the padel Egyptian”

Ce Cairo Fip Star is soon coming to an end, so the opportunity to discuss with Amr Mansi (CEO ofIEvents) who greatly participated in the organization of this tournament.

Take inspiration from what has been done for Squash in Egypt

Padel Magazine : Amr the tournament is a success for the moment, we are received in a very good club, the competition is very interesting, but all that is thanks to you, isn't it?

Amr Mansi : " Thanks to us… I would rather say thanks to the community padel. Honestly, we were really excited to host this tournament which will allow us to promote the padel internationally in Egypt.

Our story started 12 years ago with squash, we organized the International Squash Open and now it is one of the biggest tournaments in the professional squash association. We also have the CIB Egyptian Squash Open pyramid, which is now one of the 8 most important tournaments in the world.

And at the same time we saw that the padel was witnessing a Boom in Egypt, and with our expertise in organizing events and tournaments, we decided with our partner O West to start promoting this sport. That's what we did and it's only the beginning. »

Padel Magazine : You mentioned squash previously, do you want to build the same thing in the years to come with the padel ?

Amr Mansi : "That's exactly the goal we set ourselves. Our vision would be to organize a large-scale tournament (such as a grand chelem) in Egypt. I think we could start planning for it at the end of next year or in 2 years, depending on how things go by then.

We will try to promote the padel as much as possible, via TV, the media, so that the padel gaining notoriety and that in collaboration with the Egyptian federation we can educate children in padel from the youngest age. This is essential in order to create a solid and lasting basis for the padel Egyptian. »

A simultaneous international tournament of Squash and Padel

Padel Magazine : Do you play padel ? And if so, where and when did you start?

Amr Mansi: “Yes of course, that's why I'm interested and passionate about developing this sport. I started in 2017 at our New Giza club. »

Padel Magazine : Do you think that the same event combining a tournament padel and squash the same week could emerge here?

Amr Mansi: « I'll tell you something, last year in El Gouna we did it but in a slightly different way: during the week when the international squash tournament was taking place, we set up a local padel which also took place on our tennis courts padel in Guna.

We organized it and it went very well honestly, and people came even though it was a local tournament. Next time, we would like to have an international squash tournament AND an international padel, which could allow us to have a larger audience. »

The full interview can be found here:

Published by
Nasser Hoverini