APT Cape Town Master – The rise of Arce/Dal Bianco

Maxi Arce and Franco Dal Bianco win the APT Cape Town Masters Padel Turn in a spectacular finale. The Argentinians came back in a badly embarked match, and they thus keep their place of number 1 in the ranking.

Federico Chiostri and Gonzalo Alfonso have been playing better in recent weeks. After taking revenge in half against those who had deprived them of the title to Monaco (Britos/Barrera), the number 2s make an excellent first set to get closer to recovering “their” place of number 1 in the APT ranking.

But Arce and Dal Bianco have room, and by erasing small errors, they raise their level of play in a very hot second set. They finally win the round, and the psychological ascendancy that goes with it!

The many South Africans present in the stands benefit from a fight of titans. Franco Dal Bianco and Maxi Arce continue their momentum and sink their opponents from the start of the decisive set. They finally win 3/6 7/5 6/3!

APT Players Padel Tour will be entitled to a well-deserved rest, before resuming in 3 weeks with the Sevillian event!

Published by
Lorenzo Lecci Lopez