Categories: NEWSInterviews

Bastien Blanqué - The guest in “Face-to-Face” - May 20, 2020

The French champion of padel in title, 150th player in the world, Bastien Blanqué is the guest of the show “Le Face-à-Face” this Wednesday May 20 at 18 pm. An atypical player in the French landscape for several reasons ...

The furniture of padel French?

Bastien Blanqué is part of the furniture of padel French. He tells us his story before embarking on the padel.

Then its great beginnings. He, a player who does not have so much tennis behind him, did he imagine becoming 3 times champion of France?

Become champion of France without tennis.

When you don't necessarily have the same dispositions as a tennis player, how does it work? How do we work?

Did playing with Laurent Imbert on the French circuit help him to evolve in terms of padelistic? His game that we say at times “defensive”, is it a logical continuation of his career so far?

The adventure with Johan Bergeron

How was the association with Johan Bergeron? Can we say that the Bergeron / Blanqué adventure started thanks to him?

The french team

The loss of Robin Haziza before the world cup next November. How does he see the rest? Does he hope a player in particular will take the place of the new coach of the France ladies team?

The last European Championships were mixed… Good results, but we felt some tension. How did he experience the last European Championship of padel in Italy ?

World Padel Tour

In 2019, objective top 100. And finally today, Bastien Blanqué is nevertheless the 150th French player. Was the objective too high?

This year, if the season starts again what are the objectives?

Training in Madrid

How's it going ? Who is he playing with? A review of his previous years.

Physical transformation

Laurent Imbert spoke of the physical transformation of Bastien Blanqué. The main concerned will return to this work he has done to become one of the most athletic players on the French circuit.


  • The best memory of Bastien
  • His best move
  • His rant
Published by
Franck Binisti