Consequence of COVID-19: Fair-Play Saint-Lô must close

Le Fair Play Saint-Lô unfortunately must close its doors permanently. Sad news which is the direct consequence of this second confinement supposed to halt the development of COVID-19.

If the club had managed to cash the first wave with courage, the second was one too many for this club located west of Caen which has padel.

Romuald the founder and manager of the center must thus surrender :

2 years less 8 days ago, the complex opened its doors to the public, but since the end of October, the government has decided to close non-essential, dangerous and deadly businesses (gym, leisure complex, bar, restaurant, clubs night for a while) to eradicate an epidemic that does not spread in supermarkets, public transport and so on.

Find the mistake.

If I post today, it is with great sadness and great regret to announce that the Fair-Play Saint-Lô complex will not reopen its doors, I am sorry and sorry, but in a lifetime it is necessary make choices and this one is reluctant.

On the other hand, I don't want the complex to disappear, it's a wonderful place where I have seen a lot of people relax, have fun and even have fun (they will recognize each other). A place where I made wonderful meetings and rubbed shoulders with admirable and wonderful people and for that I thank you.

So if you have someone around you who knows someone who also knows someone who would be interested in continuing to keep the complex going, let that person contact me. Be careful, no jokes, I have no time to waste.

Published by
Franck Binisti