Coronavirus - The FFT wants to reopen the clubs

Bernard Giudicelli has announced his will to take legal action against prefectural decisions, after the tennis halls have been closed. Le padel was not expressly cited by the President of the FFT

Invited on the set of BFM Business, the president of the FFT expresses himself: “Decisions are now in the hands of the prefects and we often consider them disproportionate. Moreover, we are going to challenge the decisions taken by the prefects before the administrative tribunals as of next week. " 

In the midst of the organization of Roland-Garros, whose revenues would have been halved, Bernard Giudicelli must look into this issue to defend the clubs.

The top tennis executive considers this decision completely disproportionate: “650 square meters for two people in the name of a regulation that one considers inept to prohibit playing whilethere is no physical contact and there is no risk of the virus circulating".

With a determined tone, Giudicelli expresses the strong will of the FFT to make things happen:

“They say, today, that there can be no special regime for tennis. This is what we dispute. There is a constant case law on the matter on the proportionality of decisions and this is what we will ask administrative judges to assess. "

Giudicelli is talking about tennis here, because it is the majority of clubs, but clubs padel are we hope concerned.

Published by
Lorenzo Lecci Lopez