What to do / what to say, when your partner is at the end of the abyss?

What are the tips for padel who can boost your motivation when you are discouraged? Is there a miracle cure? One of the most difficult challenges to achieve when playing 2-player is being able to boost your partner's motivation when they are discouraged. Difficult, but you will see that it is possible to help you or to help your partner to find a correct game ...

  1. Do not let laziness invade you. You know each other better than anyone, and you know what makes you feel better and discourages you even more. In this sense, it should be emphasized that giving free rein to laziness has a more demotivating effect.
  1. Talk to someone you trust. First of all, do not keep your embarrassment to yourself, and share your emotions, and your point of view with someone you trust. The stimulating response that comes when you show yourself to another person is a basic recipe to regain your motivation in difficult times.
  1. A good relationship with your coach. Your coach has a fundamental role in your motivation. It is important that you have a good relationship with him (or her), and if nothing improves, you may need to evaluate the possibility of change.

  1. Take some rest time. If your demotivation is frequent in the past two months, take a few days off without playing padel to rest, and disconnect your mind. Rest can be a reward for yourself after a period of effort. Small breaks can be a great way to recharge your batteries.
  1. Reward yourself. When you are unmotivated at the sporting level, you can also give yourself a reward that encourages you the day, and strengthens you. The simplest things can have a great value. You know each other better than anyone else so please yourself.
  1. Schedule a routine (you or your coach). Sometimes it is essential to stop thinking, and to follow a specific, almost automatic routine. Continue with your workouts, and your sports program as usual. Make changes in your routine that make your life easier. Continue to maintain these habits that give you very good results.
  1. Walking can help you clear your mind. You can strengthen exercise by doing other activities such as walking. Walking is simple ... And yet it's very healthy to empty your mind, and recharge the batteries.
  1. Have achievable goals. Set a goal that you want to achieve. On the road of a player padel, there must be long-term goals, and short-term ones. But if you have unachievable goals, it will dampen your motivation when you notice that you haven't met them.

  1. Promote positive thoughts. Do not idealize anyone, because outside a person can seem very motivated, and not actually being inside. Therefore, it is very positive that you focus on feeding your inner universe with positive thoughts, and stimulating visualization.
  1. Think about the great benefits of padel. When demotivation appears, think about all the benefits of playing padel. Our sport improves self-esteem, physical and emotional health, etc.
Published by
Alexis Dutour