DoinSport is 153 clubs in Francophonie!

Doinsport? We have already told you about it, but today let's find out how Doinsport has established itself as one of the most suitable solutions for the padel in more than 150 clubs!



Guillaume Deslot, Product Owner at Doinsport gives his vision of the ideal software:

“ Our DNA ? Take into account the whole environment padel : catering, bar, proshop, events and other complementary sports such as fitness or other activities belonging to the complex in order to centralize all the needs of the manager“. 

Doinsport on video

Still hesitant to manage your club padel through a digital solution?

Download the guide and make up your own mind!

For any additional information: click and request your demo

Be closer to your community thanks to a completely personalized solution

Acquiring customers is important, retaining them is even better. By offering the reservation on an app, you increase the level of engagement of your community.

Let's explain: going to your website, booking a track, commenting on your articles, taking out a subscription… all these actions are proof of commitment on the part of your customers. Nevertheless, some show a greater involvement than others. For example, taking out a membership in your club or visiting your website.

La booking via app padel requires the download of the latter. With this action, your client lets you, to a lesser extent, enter into his phone, into his private life.

By taking advantage of the pista rental service, he opens the door for you to get closer to him in terms of:

  • Knowing your expectations: you now have access to data on their consumption habits and interests. You can adapt your offers accordingly.
  • Service Development: offer additional services such as finding partners, access to an online store, promoting loyalty credits.
  • Communication : an application allows you, finally, to multiply the means of communication with your community. Indeed, whether by sharing news, promoting events or sending campaign notifications, theapplication by which your players reserve tracks is also a means of communicating with him live.

All these features have, moreover, only one purpose : encourage your customers to come back to your center.

So if you want to know more about Doinsport and you are interested in the offer, do not hesitate any longer and contact them at this number:!



Published by
Nasser Hoverini
Tags: Doinsport