How to behave between the points at padel ?

On the field, during a game, players tend to encourage, motivate, clap their hands, which has the effect of activating the body to better play the next point. But is it really necessary? Should not we from time to time relax to better play the next point?

Here are the tips that you can practice in your next match with your partner.

Between 2 points, should we encourage or relax?

Before reaching a conclusion, we must analyze the point that has just ended. If the point has been difficult, time consuming and has required a high effort, you will not be able to continue as well, asking your body and that of your partner to keep this level of activity. The advice, relax, recover breathing deeply, talking quietly to your partner to relapse this previous activation and manage the next point with serenity.

On the contrary, if the point that has just ended was very short with little intensity, it is advisable to activate by making small jumps, motivating his partner with positive phrases training with you in this dynamic positive.

These 2 tips will help you improve your game and especially manage your energy throughout your match.

source: Padel Good

Published by
Julien Bondia