How to take care of your pala?

Who has never broken their racket in excess anger or striking into that of his teammate or into the grid ? Yes, these little things are fragile...

During their interview for Padel Magazine, Jérôme Decock, founder of Extrême Padel and Bertrand Maniere, sales manager, gave some tips to best preserve your pala. We will add some advice to this too!

Don't hit your racket

This seems the most obvious, it’s true. However, believe it or not, it's a little more subtle than it seems. Of course, hitting your racket against the ground, the window, the grid or the net is the best way to damage it. The foam takes a hit, the racket head too. In short, it’s a guaranteed massacre.

Also know that picking up a ball from the ground, swinging with a racket – as the most skilled of players often do tennis players – cuts into the foam a lot. The impact between the ball, the ground and the racket is the perfect cocktail to wear out the foam inside and damage the coating. It is better to pick up the ball by hand or use your foot!

Use racket head protection

This point seems almost as coherent as the first but it remains no less important. The racket protection is this small transparent strip – or colored depending on the brand – which helps protect the frame of the racket.

Even if it is not the miracle solution, it helps in particular when in contact with the window, the ground or the grilles. First, the paint on the pala will not magically disappear. Secondly, this will limit the risk of cracking in the event of heavy contact. That being said, it is not because you have put protection on your racket that it becomes invincible... So you have to be careful about it.

NEVER leave your racket in the car

We see you, you who leave your racket in the trunk of your car because: “you play again tomorrow, no need to take it out”. Do you even know what you are doing to your pala by leaving it like this, day and night?

A racket padel is designed with certain types of more or less fragile materials. By leaving it in the trunk of the car, you subject it to fairly significant temperature variations. A freezing night, followed by a hot day? Mixture guaranteed to at best damage your racket.

The best thing is really to take it home.

Clean your pala regularly

It is also essential to clean your pala thoroughly after using it, for two reasons. The first is humidity. If you played on slightly damp courts, after a rainy day or a cold night, the balls may have soaked up this water and spread it onto the racket. Therefore, it is always best to wipe your pala with a towel or cloth, to prevent moisture from attacking the foam.

The second reason concerns grains of sand. Less present on new carpets, grains of sand are still widespread on the tracks. padel In France. They too constitute a risk for the pala. So, same principle as for humidity, a wipe of a towel and that’s it!

Equip yourself with a bag of padel

It seems so logical and yet some players don't do it. Have a bag of padel, or other, allows the racket not to undergo too many changes. Leaving a racket in the sun will inevitably damage it. Just like leaving it in the rain.

Even at home, if you leave your pala sitting without a bag, it risks being damaged by humidity. You will have understood, the latter is perhaps the worst enemy of your racket. To prevent it from attacking your weapon, put your pala in a bag or cover, insulated or not. This will at least slow down moisture-related wear.

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Published by
Gwenaelle Souyri
Tags: shovels