How to treat low back pain padel ?

Low back pain is one of the most common causes of pain in the general population. At padel, nearly 15% of injuries occur in this part of the body. How can we avoid or relieve these pains ?

What are the causes of pain?

The most common cause of lower back pain will be the existence of a muscle or ligament tension this is what will occur mainly in the padel. But we must not exclude a different origin:

- Protrusion or herniated disc
- Arthritis
- Osteoarthritis
- Bone deformities such as scoliosis
- Osteoporosis

This is why, in the event of pain of high intensity and / or of long duration, it is advisable to consult a health professional.

In case of back pain and fever or paralysis of the legs, go to your doctor as soon as possible!


Rest or activity?

It is now accepted that in the event of acute muscle or ligament pain, rest and drug treatment should not exceed two or three days. Then it is necessary resume physical activity to avoid loss of muscle mass.

What is the physical activity to practice?

Two or three days after sharp pain, you should start doing light work of flexing the muscles, as well as exercises to strengthen the muscles of the abdominal and lumbar region.

In the case of chronic pain, with the exceptions mentioned above, the same work should be done.

Exercises to relax


Could you do 5 repetitions of each stretch holding each position for 5-10 seconds.

Exercises to strengthen

Could you do 3 sets of 10 reps of each exercise (3 sets of 15 seconds, in the last case).


Back to the courts

After starting the previous exercises and depending on the existing pain, we can make a slow and gradual return to the slopes. Remember to continue doing the exercises every week even if your pain is gone! So you prevent her from coming back !



  1. Casado Morales Mª I, Moix Queraltó J, Vidal Fernández J. Etiología, cronificación y tratamiento del dolor lumbar. Clínica y Salud. 2008 Dec; 19 (3): 379-92.
  2. Barbara K Bruce. Mayo Clinic Guide to Pain Relief. Second Edition
Published by
Alan bugarin