Is it better to play padel under the snow ?

Some clubs padel are embarking on snowpadel”, This is the case of our Corsican club in Milleli for example or the Palavas club or the BIG PADEL in Bordeaux.

In Corsica, play padel under the snow is a reality.

At the Palavas club, near Montpellier, François Lorenzo will put on his ski suit before going to test himself at the padel. The patient he is, explains to us that he has a better bandeja that without snow. This Francois is crazy, isn't he?

Some even go so far as to play padel on a plot of padel snowy. Do you think we are ironic? Well not at all. The Bordeaux club, the BIG PADEL, shows that anything is possible when we need our dose of padel… The proof in video :

Published by
Franck Binisti