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Italy Major Premier Padel : quarter results at midday

La day continues in Rome, and we already know the face of the first two pairs qualified for the semi-finals of this Italy Major Premier Padel.

Chingotto/Tello true to themselves

The first match of the day pitted Federico Chingotto and Juan Tello against Franscisco Gil and Agustin Gomez Silingo. Those who form the number 4 seed, although ultra favorites, should be wary of the pair Gil / Gomez who yesterday eliminated the number 8 seed from the tournament.

The Argentinian pair took the best of their opponents of the day, showing the solidity that we know of them and notably rewarding us with an exceptional point on the match point.

Final score: Victory Chingotto/Tello 6-3 6-4

Quiet like Lebron and Galan

The world numbers 1 did not drag today on the central. Despite a very good opposition offered by Agustin Gutierrez and Jon Sanz, unfortunately for them, the step was too high today. Without having to draw on their resources, Lebron and Galan knew how to be intractable in the important moments to win this meeting and qualify for the semi-finals of this Italy Major. Premier Padel.

Final score: Victory Lebron / Galan 6-4 6-3

Published by
Nasser Hoverini